Healthy Foods

Facts of Fat and Calorie

Saturated fats contained in animal products except fish such as meat, milk, coconut oil, trans fat and cheese will increase the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease. Raw foods can be used to replace saturated fats are vegetable oils such as olive oil, fish oil, sunflower seeds and canola oils that contain unsaturated fats. These type of food is not saturated in blood, also contain Essential Fatty Acids: Linoleat Acids (Omega 6),  Alpha Linoleat Acids (Omega 3) and arachidonic acid are high.

The scientists found that essential fatty acids proved to have several important benefits such as helping the body burn fat, lower bad cholesterol (LDL), assists in lubricating the joints, prevent strokes, maintaining blood pressure, and optimize your brain health. The important sources of Omega-3 PUFA and omega-6 include marine fish (like tuna, cod, sardines), shell, flax seed, soybean oil, raps oil, chia oil, seed cantaloupe, leafy vegetables and walnuts.


To lose weight, you need to do is reduce your calorie intake (accompanied by increasing physical activity or a combination of both). Obesity occurs when the amount of energy (calories) that enter the body (from food) more than the amount of energy required for maintenance and activities of the body. Calories derived from nutrients, namely carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Many people mistakenly believe by not eating sugar (high in calories) of excess, they will be safe. But that argument is wrong because sugar include glucose, fructosa (contained in fruit), lactose (in milk), sucrosa (white sugar), maltose or malts (in rice and honey). It also includes a jam, maple syrup, corn syrup, palm sugar, and brown sugar. All of them, if excess can be harmful to health in different ways.

Therefore, in addition to limiting consumption to avoid excess sugar, you also have to reduce food and drink anything that contains high sugar such as ice cream, candy, carbonated beverages and sugar itself by choosing low calories food or food have been humbled from calories such as wheat bread or drinks with artificial sweeteners.